Post Companies Act 2016 And Listing Requirements: Seeking Out Best Practices
The new legal framework in the Companies Act 2016 (CA) came into force in January 2017, consisting of 5 parts, 620 sections and 13 schedules. This is in comparison with the Companies Act 1965, which was made up of 12 parts, 374 sections and 10 schedules. Subsequent to the announced changes in CA, Bursa Malaysia announced various amendments to the Listing Requirements (LR), which took effect in January 2018. This translates into additional compliance requirements under the CA and LR for public-listed companies (PLCs). What are the best practices that has been and should be adopted for after changes to the CA and LR?
This programme will provide updates on the changes relevant to PLCs and highlights best practices that companies have and should adopt after the new development in CA and LR. Corporate governance practices and enhancement to board compliance will also be elaborated.