HRD Corp Registered Course/Programme No.: 10001375607
Aligned with SC Licensing Examinations (SCLE) Module 7
This e-learning programme is designed to focus on the financial statements, asset valuation, investment analysis, relevant accounting policies and treatments for financial reporting, time value of money and valuation methods of fixed income and equities. The programme will also delve into the core aspects of accounting and investment analysis theory, concepts, methods, and limitations inherent in the fundamental principles.
Learning Hours: 11 Hours | Mode: E-Learning
Programme Objective
This e-learning programme is designed as a refresher course for existing Capital Market Representative’s License (CMSRL) holders and Employee of Registered Person (ERP) wishing to keep themselves up-to-date with the financial statements and asset valuation. This self-directed programme consists of 11 modules enriched with interactive elements such as videos, quizzes and knowledge checks to ensure an engaging learning experience and enhanced learning.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this programme, participants will be able to::
- Identify the users and uses of financial statements in financial and investment analysis
- Describe important accounting policies or choices, and treatment of accounting information for financial reporting purposes including the reasons for usage and ability to deal with adjustments necessary for comparability purposes
- Analyse the company financial and information or other crucial factors such as industry position and economic outlook, necessary for relevant and reliable assessment of the company’s performance
- Describe the limitations of the use of financial statements and related important accounting issues when interpreting financial statements for better and informed investment decision making
- Explain the elements and characteristics of fixed income and equity securities which is linked to the purpose of financial and investment planning
- Define the concept of time value of money in pricing and valuation of fixed income and equity securities
- Discuss the methods and indicators, including the required adjustments, to assess the company financial performance or gain greater insight into the company’s operating results
- Explain fixed income and equity securities, including derivatives based on various methods of valuation and factors affecting the pricing
- Explain the technical analysis method and processes with respect to securities trading
Programme Methodology
This programme is conducted online via SIDC’s Learning and Assessment Management (LAMS) platform
Programme Outline
Topic 1: Importance of Financial Statement Analysis |
Topic 2: Elements of Financial Statements |
Topic 3: Financial Statement Analysis |
Topic 4: Fixed Income and Money Markets |
Topic 5: Equity Markets |
Topic 6: Technical Analysis |
Topic 7: Exchange-Traded Funds |
Topic 8: Structured Products |