**POSTPONED**Agile Leadership Skills in Disruptive Times

Corporate Governance

Jul 2020

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Securities Commission Malaysia

MYR 1250 *Fee is not inclusive of 8% SST



While servant leadership is a timeless concept, the phrase “servant leadership” was coined by Robert K. Greenleaf in his 1970 essay “The Servant as Leader. Interestingly in Malaysia, the Royal Military College carry in its motto, “Serve to Lead” way back in the founding year of 1952.

Servant Leadership is simply applying leadership principles by serving others before self. Servant leaders are said to be serving stewards of their organisation’s resources be it physically, financial or human. Servant leadership is a model that transforms teams and organisations by putting people first. It is more than just a philosophy— it is a daily practice of behaviours. When you participate in behaviours that do not align with your values, you are communicating mixed messages and inauthenticity to your team. Leading well requires trust. When your team trusts you, the possibilities are endless.

A servant-leader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong. While traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the “top of the pyramid”, servant leadership is different. The servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.

Servant Leadership, in short, accentuates the importance of collaboration, trust, empathy and the ethical use of power and leadership. It is about enhancing the growth of individuals and the servant leaders themselves in the organisation to improve teamwork and respective involvement.

Programme Objective
The aim of this programme is to highlight the best practices of servant leadership model that leaders should emulate to better serve others (followers) in the organisation. It is geared for leaders who want to enhance their skills in practising servant leadership ideals to lead and build effective teams and develop individual performance.

Learning Outcomes
By end of this programme, participants will be able to:

  1. Discuss the history of Servant Leadership, its roots, origins and purpose
  2. Utilise organisation’s vision, mission and values as the foundation in transforming their organisational culture
  3. Examine the organisation’s and leaders’ personal values and how they practise them in everyday actions
  4. Strengthen the attributes and behavioural skills in building trusted relationships within organisation; earning the perception of “behaving the talk
  5. Establish their own Servant Leadership execution strategy for successful cultural change within organisation through inspiring those they serve



Interactive presentations, classroom activities (guided discussions), practical case studies and Question-and-Answer (Q&A) session


Core – Corporate Governance (Level 4)
Behavioural (Organisation Leadership) – Stakeholder Management (Level 4)
Behavioural (People Management) – Coaching and Developing Others (Level 4)

Target Audience


Directors, C Suite leaders, Key Management, Business owners, anyone who has an interest in servant leadership


Public Listed Companies (PLCs), Legal Firms, Consultancy Firms, Accounting Firms, Fund Management Companies, Stockbroking Firms, Investment Banks, SMEs

9.00 am Servant Leadership? The Answer to the World’s Leadership Issues

  • Concept of Servant Leadership
  • What are the qualities and characteristics of being a Servant Leader?
  • Some historical perspectives of Servant leadership
  • Differences from other leadership models
10.45 am Coffee Break
11.00 am Modern Perspectives of Servant Leadership

  • What are the impact leaders of servant leadership style focussing on?
  • Understanding the attitude, attributes and actions demonstrated and the rationale behind
    – Building trusted relationships through managing the mind and emotions
    – Listening for understanding
    – Knowing how and when to pause and reflect to renew and refresh one’s own leadership intention
  • Understanding the relationship between personal values and organizational values
1.00 pm Lunch 
2.00 pm Models of Servant Leadership

  • Key practices of servant leaders:
    – Self-awareness
    – Listening
    – Changing the pyramid
    – Developing your colleagues (Followers)
    – Coaching (not controlling)
    – Unleashing the energy and intelligence of others
    – Foresight
  • Organisation’s vision, mission and values as the foundation for transforming the organisational culture
  • Managing challenging situations and difficult conversations from servant leadership actions
3.30 pm Coffee Break
3.45 pm Models of Servant Leadership (continued)

  • Tools in enhancing the team’s efficiency and effectiveness to drive positive business results through
    • GRP (Goals, Roles, Process)
    • Team Requirements
    • Stephen R. Covey (8th Habits of Highly Effective People – From Effectiveness to Greatness)
    • Ground Rules
    • Decision Strategies
  • Building a healthy organisation
    • Provide leadership
    • Share leadership
    • Value people
    • Develop people
    • Build community
    • Display authenticity
5.00 pm End of Programme

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