Programme Objective
This programme will provide insights on how companies particularly in Malaysia have adopted digitalisation to accelerate their recovery and growth strategies, the digital platforms that the companies most leveraged on to thrive and in depth discussions on the companies that successfully pivoted and the factors that enabled them to do so. The programme also provides insights of how new technological developments such as adoption of 5G will pave the way for further digital acceleration moving forward.
Live Webinar
Target Audience
Directors, C Suite leaders, Key Management, Business owners, BCP teams, Risk Officers, Corporate Consultants, Capital Markets Services Representative’s License Holders and anyone who has an interest in digitalisation and business sustainability
Public Listed Companies (PLCs), Consultancy Firms, Legal Firms, Accounting Firms, Fund Management Companies, Stockbroking Firms, Investment Banks and SMEs
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the programme, participants will be able to:
- Identify the digitalisation strategies adopted by businesses, sectors and industries to accelerate their recovery and growth
- Describe the digital platforms that successful companies leveraged on for business continuity
- Distinguish the success factors and lessons learned from businesses that enabled them to pivot their businesses amid the pandemic
- Discuss the overall readiness and resilience of businesses to face the next disruptor
- Analyse how adoption of new technologies can and will be the catalyst for future business growth