Programme Objective
This programme will provide insights on the rapid developments in the gig economy landscape, globally and in Malaysia including the role of digitalisation and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. This programme will also delve into the different composites of a gig worker and their motivations as well as the digital platforms that support the gig economy and enables businesses to scale up. Additionally, the programme provides insights on the policy directions for the gig economy, its synergies with the capital market, the case for widening the product suite and services to cater for the unique requirements of a gig worker and how businesses will forever be reshaped through the gig economy.
Live Webinar
Target Audience
Business owners (Start-ups, SMEs), Consultants, Capital Markets Services Representative’s License Holders, HR Managers, Policy Makers, Directors, C Suite leaders, Key Management and anyone who has an interest in digitalisation and the gig economy
SMEs, Start-ups, Government Agencies, Consultancy Firms, Legal Firms, Accounting Firms, Fund Management Companies, Stockbroking Firms, Investment Banks, Commercial Banks and Public Listed Companies (PLCs)
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the programme, participants will be able to:
- Describe the structure of gig economy and what it comprises
- Identify the factors that enabled the rapid development of gig economy in Malaysia and in the region
- Distinguish the concept of a gig worker in comparison to salaried worker
- Discuss the success factors that led to the globalisation of gig worker and the role of digitalisation
- Discuss the role of the capital market in relations to gig economy and gig worker
- Describe the policy decisions developed in supporting the growing gig economy and gig workers population
- Discuss how gig economy is reshaping future businesses