Professionalism, Ethics, Integrity And Business Reputation- Why It Matters And What You Can Do About It

Past Programmes

Jul 2019

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Securities Commission Malaysia

Speakers : MARK LOVATT

10 CPE

MYR 950 *Fee is not inclusive of 8% SST

Professionalism, Ethics, Integrity And Business Reputation-
Why It Matters And What You Can Do About It


High ethical standards are critical to maintain public trust, confidence and reputation of capital market businesses. While the financial bottom-line, business targets and results are what all businesses strive for, the means of attaining those results are equally critical. Unethical business practices can severely affect the market reputation of the company and lead to long-term financial problems and business sustainability. The integrity of a business affects all every area of business operations. Hence, it is imperative for businesses to incorporate ethics and integrity into the core fabric of the organisation seamlessly.

Programme Objective
This programme aims to discuss various facets of professional behaviours and practices, of which some may be perceived as unethical even though it appears ‘normal’ on the surface. Discussions will also elaborate on how grey areas and potential conflicts of interest can quickly get out of control, and how situations could be effectively managed and dealt with differently.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this programme, participants will be able to:

  1. Differentiate the meaning and practical significance of business ethics, and the fundamental principles consistent with ethical behaviour
  2. Identify practices that promote fairness and transparency in dealing with others
  3. Assess and apply the relevant standards, codes of conduct and principle on ethics and integrity applicable to Malaysian capital market participants
  4. Determine acts or situations which are legal but not ethical
  5. Identify the consequences arising from conflict of interest and bias
  6. Establish appropriate mitigation procedures to deal with conflict of interest issues


Interactive presentations, Question-and-Answer (Q&A) sessions and case study discussions


Core – CC02 Ethics & Integrity (Level 3)
Core – CC03 Corporate Governance (Level 3)
Foundational (Regulatory) – FOR02 Capital Market Institutions (Level 3)
Foundational (Regulatory) – FOR03 Capital Market Intermediaries (Level 3)

Target Audience


Employees of stockbroking firms, fund management companies, unit trust management companies (UTMCs), investment and commercial banks, insurance companies and PLCs, financial planners, investment advisors, lawyers, accountants, compliance and risk management officers


PLCs, legal firms, consultancy firms, accounting firms, fund management companies, stockbroking firms, investment banks

8.30 am Registration

  • Corporate scandals: a breach of integrity
  • What do we mean by ethics and integrity? Exploring an MNC Code of Business Conduct
  • The value of intangible assets in the digital age
  • Catastrophic ethics failure: case study
10.45 am Coffee Break
11.15 am Combating corruption: corporate liability, effective measures and ISO 37001

  • Introduction to corporate liability under the MACC (Amendment) Act 2018
  • What are the ‘adequate procedures’?
  • Effective measures: ISO 37001 and other instruments
  • Adequate procedures vs ISO 37001


12.45 pm Lunch Break
2.00 pm Capital markets and financial services: primary challenge areas for ethics

  • Group work: Identifying and categorizing the primary ethical challenges in the capital market and financial services sector
  • Identifying effective controls
  • Opportunities for improvement: how could this be done better?
3.30 pm Coffee Break
3.45 pm Practical measures in strengthening business integrity

  • Response to Unethical Practices – What Can You Do? Instruments available in the 21st Century
  • Application: using these measures in the capital market and financial services sector
  • Wrap-up: where next?
5.00 pm End of Programme


Dr Mark Lovatt is the CEO of Trident Integrity Solutions (, a leading-edge consultancy firm expert at strengthening integrity infrastructure in organisations across Malaysia and the Asia-Pacific region. Prior to leading Trident Integrity, Dr Lovatt was Business Integrity Programme Manager at Transparency International Malaysia, and concurrently, the Managing Director of TI Malaysia’s consultancy arm, TI BIP Malaysia Sdn Bhd. He is an internationally recognised expert in private sector corruption, speaking at conferences across the region.

Dr Lovatt is a thought-leader in the area of business integrity. He is the chief architect of the corporate integrity systems that his company implements, which have succeeded in significantly strengthening corporate governance, and in some cases stopped major leakages for companies grappling with the issue of corruption. His work has been adopted by other Transparency International chapters, particularly in SE Asia, and during his time with TI he was recognised by the movement as one of the global leaders in the area of business integrity. His international work includes the design of the national private sector integrity programme for the Royal Government of Bhutan, and lead consultant in designing the materials and structure of the Business Integrity Network Afghanistan coalition.

He is passionate in his drive towards a business sector free of corruption, and believes that organisations should have well-developed and effective integrity systems, in order to maintain the highest level of corporate governance and good business practice.
Dr Lovatt holds a BA (Hons) in Philosophy & Theology, and a PhD in Philosophical Theology from Nottingham University UK. An experienced businessman, he has worked in IT, business analysis, corporate regulation and business development, primarily in the power & gas sector.

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