RAM – SIDC Bond Conference: Fresh Perspectives – Engineering The Future Of The Malaysian Bond & Sukuk Market

Jul 2019

8:30 am - 5:30 pm

Securities Commission Malaysia

10 CPE

MYR 1200 *Fee is not inclusive of 8% SST

Normal (1 pax)

MYR 1200

3 pax or more

MYR 950

10 pax or more

MYR 750

RAM – SIDC Bond Conference: Fresh Perspectives –
Engineering The Future Of The Malaysian Bond & Sukuk Market


The organisers of this bond conference, RAM & SIDC have designed a programme that will foster dialogue among industry experts who will be discovering their inspiration and journeys in the Malaysian bond market. The Conference will also set the stage to discover their aspirations for the future of the capital market.

Join us as leading researchers, regulators and players navigate the Malaysian bond and sukuk market. Let’s walk through some new developments and see how they will change the market in the coming years.

The Conference also hopes to unravel some of the intricacies that are impacting the way investors plan their portfolios. We have also built in solution-centric discussions with case studies to give participants a 3-dimensional take on Fintech, ESG and Sukuk.

Sessions have been created to infuse traditional ideas to deepen and strengthen the market like tenures, going down the credit curve as well as retail investors. The bond and sukuk market has always been at the forefront of building the country’s infrastructure by matching funding requirements to cashflow. Hence, we have also structured dialogues to deliberate on the future of infrastructure financing in the country with participation from industry leaders.

This Conference aims to build new relationships and strengthen existing ones as it will discuss key industry practitioners’ views on the market and what they predict for the Malaysian bond and sukuk market .

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this programme participants will be able to:

  1. Discuss latest developments in the Malaysian bond and Sukuk market with special emphasis on how we can further deepen the market.
  2. Understand how Fintech can present new ways of issuing bonds and sukuk.
  3.  Appreciate inspiring case studies on the Green Sukuk market.
  4. Explore new ideas that can strengthen debt capital market with issuances reaching retail participants.
  5. Understand how infrastructure financing can be structured with debt capital market more cost efficiently.
  6. Recognise the value of exploring and investing in the development of the ESG market. Dialogues from diverse sectors will engage participants in deepening their knowledge on the ESG market and further developing ideas on how ESG will build our future.

Target Audience


Regulators, Corporate, Investment bankers, Government financial planners, Policy makers, Investors, Fund managers, Lawyers, Accountants, Researchers, Economists, Academicians

8.30 a.m. Registration and Morning Coffee
9.00 a.m. Welcome Remarks by
YBhg Tan Sri Amirsham A Aziz

RAM Holdings Berhad
9.10 a.m. Special Address by
YBhg Datuk Syed Zaid Albar
Securities Commission Malaysia
9.30 a.m. Session One:
New Frontiers to Deepen Market: Risk, Tenure & InvestorsPanel Session on:
New Frontiers to Deepen Market: Risk, Tenure & Investors

  • ​Current outlook for the Malaysian bond market
  • Risk – Going down the credit curve
  • Tenure – Embracing longer dated papers
  • Investors – Retail and foreign, investor confidence


Mr Kamarudin Hashim
Executive Director, Market & Corporate Supervision
Securities Commission Malaysia

Confirmed Panelists:

Mr Mohamed Nazri Omar
Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer
Danajamin Nasional Berhad

Mr Fraziali Ismail
Director, Economics Department
Bank Negara Malaysia

Mr Delvin Chong
Senior Vice President, Treasury and Capital Markets
Cagamas Berhad

Mr Xavier Jean
Senior Director, Corporate Ratings
Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings

10.15 a.m. Question & Answer session
10.30 a.m. Morning Reception
11.00 a.m. Session Two: Fintech Opportunities for the Bond Market
Panel Session on:
Fintech Opportunities in the Bond Market

  • Blockchain Bonds
  • Understanding the regulations
  • Case studies


Mr Mohammad Ridzuan Abdul Aziz
FinTech Association of Malaysia

Confirmed Panelists:

Mr Wong Wai Ken 
Country Manager
StashAway Malaysia Sdn Bhd

Mr Kyri Andreou 
Co-Founder & Director
Ata Plus

Mr Wong Weiyi 
General Manager
FSMOne Malaysia

11.45 a.m. Question & Answer session
12.00 noon
The World Bank launched bond-i (blockchain operated new debt instrument), the world’s first bond to be created, allocated, transferred and managed through its life cycle using distributed ledger technology. The two-year bond raised A$110 million, marking the first time that investors have supported the World Bank’s development activities in a transaction that is fully managed using the blockchain technology.

The World Bank mandated Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) as arranger for the bond on 10 August 2018. The announcement was followed by a two-week consultation period with the market, with key investors indicating strong support for the issuance.

Mr Firas Raad (Invited)
Country Manager for Malaysia, East Asia and Pacific
The World Bank

12.45 p.m. Question & Answer session
1.00 p.m. Lunch

Panel Session on:
Niche to Mainstream – ESG

  • Growth of ESG market
  • Realising Value-Based Intermediation (VBI) through green sukuk
  • Reporting
  • Foreign Investors
  • Retail Bond Investors
  • Institutional Investors


Mr Promod Dass 
Chief Executive Officer
RAM Consultancy Services Sdn Bhd

Confirmed Panelists:

YBhg Datin Seri Sunita Mei-Lin Rajakumar
Malaysian Chapter of the Climate Governance Initiative (CGI)

Mr Najmuddin Mohd Lutfi 
Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director
BIMB Investment Management Berhad
ESG-based retail sukuk fund — the BIMB ESG Sukuk Fund

Mr Alex Ng 
Chief Investment Officer,
Asia Pacific BNP Paribas Asset Management

2.45 p.m. Question & Answer Session
3.00 p.m. Tea break

Panel Session on:
Infrastructure Financing Market: Mapping Architects, Builders & Financiers Together

  • Outlook for Malaysia’s infrastructure sector
  • Funding infrastructure through the bond and sukuk market
  • Structuring project financing to enhance bankability
  • Key considerations for investing in infrastructure projects


Ms Chong Van Nee 
Co-Head, Infrastructure & Utilities Ratings
RAM Rating Services Berhad

Confirmed Panelists:

YB Mr Tony Pua
Political Secretary to the Minister of Finance, Malaysia

Mr Wong Kwok Kuan
Regional Head, Debt Markets
Maybank Investment Bank Berhad

Mr Khair Mirza
Airport Privatisation, Development & Finance
Modalis Infrastructure Partners Inc., Malaysia

4.15 p.m. Question & Answer Session
Unearthing the world’s first United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Sukuk

  • First ever benchmark sustainable sukuk referencing UN SDG’s
  • Landmark sukuk in MYR and global sukuk market
  • Innovative sukuk structure
  • This issuance also champions the newly developed Value-Based Intermediation (VBI) by BNM
  • Rated by RAM


Ms Ruslena Ramli 
Head, Islamic Finance
RAM Rating Services Berhad

Confirmed Panelists:

Mr Arsalaan Ahmed (Oz)
Chief Executive Officer
HSBC Amanah Malaysia Berhad

Ms Norfarasha Abdullah (Fara)
Director Head, Debt Capital Markets
RHB Investment Bank Berhad

5.15 p.m. Question & Answer Session
5.30 p.m. End

Session One: New Frontiers To Deepen Market: Risk, Tenure & Investors

Kamarudin Hashim

Executive Director, Market & Corporate Supervision
Securities Commission Malaysia

Fraziali Ismail

Director, Economics Department
Bank Negara Malaysia

Delvin Chong

Senior Vice President, Treasury and Capital Markets
Cagamas Berhad

Xavier Jean

Senior Director, Corporate Ratings
S&P Global Ratings

Mohamed Nazri Omar

Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer
Danajamin Nasional Berhad


Session Two: Fintech Opportunities For The Bond Market

Mohammad Ridzuan Abdul Aziz

FinTech Association of Malaysia

Wong Wai Ken

Country Manager
StashAway Malaysia Sdn Bhd

Kyri Andreou

Co-Founder & Director
Ata Plus

Wong Weiyi

General Manager
FSMOne Malaysia


BLOCKCHAIN SUKUK: Is the Industry Ready for Fintech

Dr Mohamed Damak

Senior Director & Global Head of Islamic Finance
Financial Services Research S&P Global Ratings

YBhg Datuk Dr Mohd Daud Bakar

Founder & Executive Chairman
Amanie Group


Session Three: Niche To Mainstream: Creating A Platform For ESG

Promod Dass

Chief Executive Officer
RAM Consultancy Services Sdn Bhd

YBhg Datin Seri Sunita Mei-Lin Rajakumar

Malaysian Chapter of the Climate Governance Initiative (CGI)

Najmuddin Mohd Lutfi

Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director
BIMB Investment Management Berhad

Alex Ng

Chief Investment Officer, Asia Pacific
BNP Paribas Asset Management


Session Four: Reimagining the Infrastructure Financing Market: Mapping Architects, Builders & Financiers Together

Chong Van Nee

Co-Head, Infrastructure & Utilities
RAM Rating Services Berhad

YB Tony Pua

Political Secretary to the Minister of Finance

Wong Kwok Kuan

Managing Director & Regional Head of Debt Market
Maybank Investment Bank Berhad

Fariza Ali

Head of Domestic Market, Capital Market Department
Employees Provident Fund

Khair Mirza

Associate Director
Modalis Infrastructure Partners Inc


Session Five: Building Idea Bridges – Matching Sukuks with Sustainable Development Goals

Ruslena Ramli

Head, Islamic Finance
RAM Rating Services Berhad

Dr Hamim Syahrum Ahmad Mokhtar

Deputy Director, Islamic Banking and Takaful
Bank Negara Malaysia

Arsalaan Ahmed (Oz)

Chief Executive Officer
HSBC Amanah Malaysia Berhad

Norfarasha Abdullah (Fara)

Director & Head, Debt Capital Markets
RHB Investment Bank Berhad


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